> 文章列表 > 立春当天去拜年合适吗英语




立春(Spring begins)是二十四节气之一,又称“打春”,“立”是“开始”的意思,中国以立春为春季的开始。

立春(Spring begins) is one of the twenty-four solar terms, also known as \"the beginning of spring\". The word \"立\" means \"to begin\" in English. In China, the arrival of \"立春\" marks the beginning of the spring season.


二十四节气的英文表达、英语翻译二十四节气 The 24 Solar Terms:立春 Spring begins 雨水 The rains 惊蛰 Insects awaken 春分 Vernal Eq。

The English translations of the twenty-four solar terms in China are as follows: 立春(Spring begins), 雨水(The rains), 惊蛰(Insects awaken), 春分(Vernal Equinox), and so on.

24节气用英语怎么说? - 151****1159 的回答

扩展资料24节气的英文:1、立春Spring begins2、雨水The rains3、惊蛰Insects awaken4、春分Vernal Eq5、清明Clear and bright6、谷雨Grai。

Here is the English translation of the twenty-four solar terms: 1. 立春 (Spring begins) 2. 雨水 (The rains) 3. 惊蛰 (Insects awaken) 4. 春分 (Vernal Equinox) 5. 清明 (Clear and bright) 6. 谷雨 (Grain Rain).


The 24 solar terms are specific Chinese calendar terms that represent the natural rhythm and changes of the seasons, as well as the establishment of the \"Ten Heavenly Stems\". The 24 solar terms include: 立春 (Spring begins).

春夏秋冬用英语怎么说 - 鄂莞人 的回答


The English translations for the four seasons are as follows: summer for 夏天, winter for 冬天, spring for 春天, and autumn for 秋天.


立春 (the Beginning of Spring) (1st solar term) Feb. 3, 4, or 5雨水 (Rain Water) (2nd solar term) Feb. 18, 19, or 20惊蛰 (the Waking of Insects).

The English translations for the twenty-four solar terms are: 立春 (the Beginning of Spring), 雨水 (Rain Water), 惊蛰 (the Waking of Insects), and so on.


一、春:1、春雨(Spring Rain)2、春分(vernal equinox)3、清明(clear and bright)4、惊蛰(excited insects)5、春风(spring breeze)二、。

Some words related to the seasons: In spring: 1. 春雨 (Spring Rain) 2. 春分 (vernal equinox) 3. 清明 (clear and bright) 4. 惊蛰 (excited insects) 5. 春风 (spring breeze).